The affect that media has on culture, gender, the economy and me specifically is pretty big. Social media plays a huge role in today’s world. Like everything else there’s a good and a bad. The good is that it can allow us to connect with friends and be able to connect with educators and experts from around the world. But then its always the negative to where anyone can gain access to anything and be able to manipulate they way things are.  Media is used to provide information out into the world and offer others entertainment. Media is used in daily life and can often shape the way that others think about themselves.

With myself personally, I DO NOT have a problem with social media and I am not easily vulnerable by society. Even if Ariana Grande got her nose pierced or Beyonce got a nice black purse, it will have no affect on me. I am my own person, I chose what I want to do in my life. I make my own decisions. I state what is good and bad for me, I am in control of myself. I allow myself to do things not anyone else.

Speaking on gender, I feel like there’s some sort of division. Some artists will speak on the great things that women can do and bash men away for not being able to do it. Some men will bash women for not being able to something that a man can. But then there’s some who give credit to both men and women for doing incredible things. Again, referring to my own thoughts, I can say that the only person that is in control of you is you.

Economy, is a broader topic. Yes, Media can effect the way that things are done. If Kim K, is wearing something she is most likely sponsoring it and then her fans will ask where she got it from. Then that business will gain profit from those who like the item which was sponsored. Everything isn’t for everyone, but media has a manipulative way to cause others to think otherwise. Economy gains from Media.

Culture, can be shown as something that it isn’t through media. Some people show things the way that they truly are and others don’t. People shouldn’t always rely on MEDIA but on real life as well. Use other resources than everyday sources.

Overall, the effect of media isn’t negative and it isn’t all positive as well. People can allow themselves to make decisions on their own. People should take ownership for their actions and be the bigger person.